In Rudder there is a concept of a node inventory and a manual step, to Accept the node. In static topologies this works quite well, and the manual step to add the machines to the "Accepted" inventory is not a problem.

In environments where servers can be spun up and down rapildly though (for example : In auto-scaling environments) this causes an issue. As the server farm is changing very dynamically.

So, is there a way for new nodes, to be automatically added to the inventory, bypassing the need to "Accept New Nodes".

  • @sunny J, Google cloud is just an example of auto scaling , it is not relevant to the question in my view – Peter Maude Jul 22 '18 at 13:11
  • Hi, could you please provide more details. Are you referring to a response to the above question "Automatically registering nodes in rudder"? or another question on auto-scaling? – Sunny J Jul 25 '18 at 18:28
  • As far as there's a feature/option in Rudder Node Management tool that supports this. As per Rudder [documentation](https://www.rudder-project.org/doc-4.3/accept-new-nodes.html) it seems to be done manually. This [proposal](https://www.rudder-project.org/redmine/issues/4248) is over a old, and is about Auto Accept list. – Sunny J Jul 25 '18 at 19:59

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