I am trying to join a rhel7 node to a domain using a chef cookbook but getting error:

realm: Couldn't connect to realm service: Error calling
StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.realmd:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of
org.freedesktop.realmd timed out

Even if I install only realm package and try to run realm command it times out (specific to rhel7).

Patrick Mevzek
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Sameer T
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2 Answers2


Is realmd running? You can verify this by running:

systemctl status realmd.service

The if it's not running you can start it with:

systemctl start realmd

And then make sure it starts at boot:

systemctl enable realmd
Alexander Tolkachev
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Resolution 1. Restart the RealmD service: FOR RHEL7/Centos7

# systemctl restart realmd.service 
# systemctl enable realmd.service


#service realmd.service restart
#chkconfig realmd on
  1. If above restarting did not worked we need to restart the server, rebooting server worked for me.

Root Cause

  • The system was not rebooted or necessary services are not restarted after upgrade.
  • As with any application it can not pick up new changes until it is restarted. However, since dbus is so low in the stack and it is so crucial to the system we recommend a reboot of your server in order to maintain system stability after a dbus change.
  • This is an expected behavior for an application to need a restart on a change, but with something like dbus, systemd, kernel, glibc, etc, we recommend a system reboot.
Santosh Garole
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