I want to move data from one azure sql database to new azure sql database. From the first one I have exported .bacpac file. I import it to the second one and I get

Import operation for <database_name> failed. ErrorCode: N/A ErrorMessage: Failure

What is wrong, I have tested different names, different admin users etc.

2 Answers2


To get some more information on why this is failing can you follow the steps in this article to get some more detail. This should point us in the right direction to help you with a fix.



Please review and follow the instructions detailed here: Import a BACPAC file to a new Azure SQL Database

It is suggested that the .bacpac file be uploaded to Azure Storage to be sourced by the Azure SQL Database it is going to be imported.

Any errors or issues you encounter should be detailed here so as to identify and help you resolve them.

Mike Ubezzi
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