The RFC for Neighbor Discovery (RFC4861), in section 8 states:
"A router MUST be able to determine the link-local address for each of its neighboring routers in order to ensure that the target address in a Redirect message identifies the neighbor router by its link-local address. For static routing, this requirement implies that the next- hop router's address should be specified using the link-local address of the router. For dynamic routing, this requirement implies that all IPv6 routing protocols must somehow exchange the link-local addresses of neighboring routers."
Yet, all documentation I encountered, including Cisco and Juniper, use simple Global Unicast Address or Local Unicast Address as next hop for IPv6 static routing.
. is the use of link-local address mandatory as IPv6 static routing next hop?
. is the use of link-local address a best practice as IPv6 static routing next hop?
Thanks for any clarification