How can I enable the logio module in Apache 2.2, Ubuntu 16.04?

In folder /etc/apache2/modules-available, I looked for something like logio.load and logio.conf but I did not find these.

When I query apachectl -l, I get:

Compiled in modules:

I installed apache through apt-get install apache2 (I did not build the server from binaries), and as you can read above mod_logio.c was a compiled-in module.

Can I enable logio given the set up I describe?

Is it possible to get logio.load and logio.conf from some repository (I see this files pattern for other modules at my server's /etc/apache2/modules-available)?

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1 Answers1


You do not need to enable it.

Modules can either be loaded at compile time or dynamically in the config using the LoadModule directive. Enabling a module using a2enmod simply adds a LoadModule directive in mods-enabled directory, which in turn is included by the following lines in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:

IncludeOptional mods-enabled/*.load
IncludeOptional mods-enabled/*.conf


httpd is a modular server. This implies that only the most basic functionality is included in the core server. Extended features are available through modules which can be loaded into httpd. By default, a base set of modules is included in the server at compile-time. If the server is compiled to use dynamically loaded modules, then modules can be compiled separately and added at any time using the LoadModule directive. Otherwise, httpd must be recompiled to add or remove modules. Configuration directives may be included conditional on a presence of a particular module by enclosing them in an block. However, blocks are not required, and in some cases may mask the fact that you're missing an important module.

To see which modules are currently compiled into the server, you can use the -l command line option. You can also see what modules are loaded dynamically using the -M command line option.

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