I am running a pipeline job and with this we need to pass a parameter to a downsteam job but its not working. We tried as follows:
Pipeline JOB:
node {
parameters {
name: 'OS',
description: "Choose Environment to build!")
stage('Build') {
if("${params.Environment}" == 'Windows')
paramAValue = "${params.Environment}"
build job: 'QA-Test-Windows',parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'ParamA', value: "$paramAValue"]]
QA-Test-Windows is a Freestyle job and in that we tried accessing the parameter in script as follows but its not working.
Write-output "OS selected for testing is ${params.ParamA}"
Write-output "OS selected for testing is ${ParamA}"
Tried accessing variables but its not working. Can anyone please help me on this. We tried creating QA-Test-Windows freestyle job as Pipelinejob but in this freestyle there are lot of Build steps.