I want to configure pgBouncer with LDAP and the documentation[1] says we need to

Create the users.txt PgBouncer authentication file. The first field is the user name and the second is the LDAP or Active Directory lookup string for the user

Context of users.txt example

"gpdbuser1" "ldap://,ou=users,ou=system"

My question is, How do I find the lookup string for a user?

I found in active directory that I can see my user at following location


Can I say the ldap look up string is above? and I can write below in user.txt file

"gpdbuser1" "ldap://,OU=People,OU=eProfile,DC=hello,DC=hi,DC=yahoo,DC=com"

[1] https://gpdb.docs.pivotal.io/570/admin_guide/access_db/topics/pgbouncer.html#topic_m2h_5dj_5s

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