We need ready access to 30TB of audio data, although only a small fraction of it is ever requested for playback, that playback needs to be done immediately even for multi-year old data. The data resides in a SAN of multiple arrays and a nightly backup is performed on new data. Some data is also removed every night as well. Since both are write events, call it 20GB a night. The overall trend is more new data is written than old data is removed.
Weekly Patrol Reads(PR) and Consistancy Checking(CC) account for most of the disk activity on the arrays, other than them just spinning until they fail.
I'm trying to figure out if the if the disk based SAN should be replaced with one using using NVMe, what RAID level to consider and if it makes sense to reduce the frequency of PR or CC activity for the VNAND technology?
It is my understanding, what kills the VNAND is writes, and we would be writing way less data than the daily minimum on most drives even considering the consistency checking.
I have been able to find almost no testing of RAID 5/6 on NVMe or even SSD in general. I'm after primarily long term availability.
Most of the other questions on this topic predate NVMe technology and are 6-7 years old. This one is an exception but doesn't really cover this scenario either.
Understanding NVMe storage and hardware requirements
Long term storage of business critical data
Long term archival of video & Audio files
One Year Raid 0 setup