I have set up an Availability test on one of our web apps. The test on five locations that were setup all fails but when I visit the site it is up and running. This is not a timing issue as the failed test keeps on coming, and I visit the site once I see a failed test reported on Azure (I also get email notification). If I click on a failed location and click on the "Failed" results item there is not much info there.

The response body is this

There is no response body in this step.

Exception is

System.Exception: Failure

**** NOTE: This is not a real web request ****

1 primary requests, 0 dependant requests and 0 conditional rules failed

The app service was running perfectly before this incident occured today. What am I missing?

von v.
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1 Answers1


As already mentioned in the comments I encountered the same problem. 4 out of 7 locations failed (sometimes), navigating to the endpoint in the browser always worked.

I've figured out that always locations which failed, were far away from my location. So I presumed that it may have something to do with network (lag).

I'm running a Kestrel server on a Azure cloud service and I figured out there is something called MinRequestBodyDataRate:

Kestrel checks every second if data is arriving at the specified rate in bytes/second. If the rate drops below the minimum, the connection is timed out

The default value of this property is 240 bytes/second with a 5 second grace period. So I just lowered this rate to 100 bytes/second with a 10 seconds grace period. Since this change I had no more failing test locations.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with Azure web apps, so I can't tell if you can even change those settings. Maybe this info guides you to the right solution or helps somebody coming from a google search.

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