I'm new to the concept of containers and cloud. I was following through this Codelab. I've followed along very carefully to the last step but when I try to launch the app in the web browser, I receive this error:Internal Server error. Everything looks fine to me. The pods are running.

>NAME                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
bookshelf-frontend-dv72k   1/1       Running   0          46s
bookshelf-frontend-pjlx5   1/1       Running   0          46s
bookshelf-frontend-xdbm7   1/1       Running   0          46s

And so are the services:

NAME                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        AGE
bookshelf-frontend   LoadBalancer   80:30322/TCP   6m
kubernetes           ClusterIP    <none>         443/TCP        22m

The redirection is successful because as I run curl -L, it outputs to the same error. The DNS can resolve to the home page.

I've even tried following along this documentation but it seemed pretty confusing. I was still able to check most of the suggestions in there except for the one that involved running commands on pods. The service is correct, kube-proxy is running, the service has it's endpoints. I have no clue how to proceed further.

I could have provided logs but did not know which ones to look for. Please help.

Edit: I've used the app and was able to perfectly set it up on the app-engine and the compute-engine.

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Pranay Nanda
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1 Answers1



I followed the same process except that I changed the zone to a more local one. Previously my configuration was set to use the us-central1-a zone which I changed to an Asian one(I'm in India). That apparently seemed to have solved the issue.

Pranay Nanda
  • 141
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