I'm trasfering this website from Media Temple hosting to Digital Ocean. I plan to move the website from MT to DO to increases performance, I create a stage area on digital ocean. I had 18 seconds of wait time until the browser load the website from DO, according to Pingdom.

Digital ocean hardware are x3 powerful then Mediatemple(shared hosting) and this droplet had only this website(2 GB RAM, 2 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650L v3 @ 1.80GHz, 40 GB SSD).

Debug already done:

  • Switch between PHP version from oldest to newest, actually i'm on version 7.1;
  • No timeout detected;
  • Slowest query 0.9 sec
  • Server load time 0,5 sec
  • No php Warning;
  • A read a lot of situation similar to mine here on server fault, no solution found (Apache restart, ssl issue, DB issue and caching );
  • Test website on localhost, no issue detected.

Hypothesis #1:DNS cause waiting issue - I'm on cloudflare and I manage this subdomain from DNS record panel.

Hypothesis #2:Mediatemple has polluted the code with proprietary libraries.

Hypothesis #3:Apache has an issue when resolve hostname

  • I see the long wait on every page. My first thought is that you have a database problem. What database did you use? How did you configure it on your new droplet? – Michael Hampton Mar 23 '18 at 02:56
  • I'm on MariaDB (10.1.23+maria-1~xenial) managed by runcloud.io with standard config. Do you need cfg? From PMA i cant see performance issue. – Nicolò Lazzati Mar 23 '18 at 09:33

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