@Broco suggested to use pyftpdlib, which worked perfectly for my needs!
Here are the steps:
- Install a Linux server
- Install Anaconda
- Install pyftpdlib
- Create a json file with a dict of username, hash and folder
- Create a pyftpdlib script for an FTP server which compares the SHA256 hashes
- Redirect port 21 to port 8021
- Run it as a systemd unit as a non-privileged user
- Restart the ftp server automatically if the json file is modified.
Here's a template for the json file:
"user1": {
"folder": "users/user1",
"sha256": "DFB0CE07EDF923F1F40BA56CC9BA9C396B53E3399E3164D60E35050BAA2BE9C9"
"user2": {
"folder": "users/user2",
"sha256": "5E884898DA28047151D0E56F8DC6292773603D0D6AABBDD62A11EF721D1542D8"
Here's the script:
#!/opt/anaconda3/bin/python -u
#encoding: UTF-8
import re
import os
import hashlib
import json
from pathlib import Path
from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer, AuthenticationFailed
from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer
from pyftpdlib.filesystems import AbstractedFS
FTP_FOLDER = Path("/media/ftp_data")
with open('input/ftp_users.json') as users_json:
USERS = json.loads(users_json.read())
current_folder = Path.cwd().resolve()
def login_dump(username, password, success):
if success:
subfolder = 'logins'
attr = 'w'
subfolder = 'logins/failed'
attr = 'a'
logins_folder = current_folder.joinpath(subfolder)
logins_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(str(logins_folder.joinpath(username)), attr) as user_file:
# NOTE: Could write better hash directly, e.g. with `mkpasswd -m sha-512`
user_file.write(password + "\n")
class SHA256Authorizer(DummyAuthorizer):
def validate_authentication(self, username, password, handler):
sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256(password.encode('ascii')).hexdigest().upper()
# NOTE: Case sensitive!
if self.user_table[username]['pwd'] != sha256_hash:
login_dump(username, password, False)
raise AuthenticationFailed
except KeyError:
login_dump(username, password, False)
raise AuthenticationFailed
login_dump(username, password, True)
authorizer = SHA256Authorizer()
for user, params in USERS.items():
print("Adding user %r" % user)
folder = FTP_FOLDER.joinpath(params['folder'])
folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
msg_login="Welcome, %s!" % user)
handler = FTPHandler
handler.authorizer = authorizer
handler.banner = "FTP server"
class WindowsOrUnixPathFS(AbstractedFS):
def ftpnorm(self, ftppath):
# NOTE: Some old clients still think they talk to a Windows Server
return super().ftpnorm(ftppath.replace("\\", "/"))
handler.abstracted_fs = WindowsOrUnixPathFS
handler.passive_ports = range(40000, 40500)
# NOTE: Port forwarding is needed because this script shouldn't be run as root.
# See https://serverfault.com/a/238565/442344
server = FTPServer((IP_ADDRESS, 8021), handler)
The script logs the passwords in plain text, which is acceptable because the data isn't confidential. After a few months, I'll switch to vsftpd.