I'm new to HA topic and I'm trying to get some bigger picture here. I have 2 hosts that run few services - mostly nginx and NFS for other servers. My primary goal was to make nginx redundant. As I knew VRRP from networking equipment I decided to use keepalived. Unfortunately to my surprise it turned out that NFS HA is not as simple as changing ip.

Most of tutorials around the web describe DRBD+peacemaker+(heartbeat/corosync) combo and it seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. I've read about role of each of those components and came to conclusion that keepalived does pretty much the same as heartbeat/peacemaker.

So my question is - can peacemaker use keepalived as communication layer instead of those popular two solutions or it's not compatible? I must say I'm really satisfied with rapid switch time provided by keepalived.

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    1st: it's `pacemaker` not `peacemaker` :), 2nd: keepalived and pacemaker are somewhat comparable, but not the same. Pacemaker+corosync/heartbeat+DRBD (_usually_) are for active/standby HA solutions, whereas keepalived (also _usually_) is used for "active/active", e. g. nginx load balancers. tl;dr: keepalived is the "simpler" variant of pacemaker, but they are not necsessarily interchangeable. – Lenniey Mar 16 '18 at 11:51

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