My Apache server is proxying a request in which it receives a header (oidc_access_token). How can I add another header, Authorization, in the forwarded request with value that includes a prefix (Bearer) and the value of the oidc_access_token header?

I tried this but it doesn't work:

<Location "/person-service" >
    RequestHeader set Authorization "Bearer %{oidc_access_token}"
    ProxyPass http://app1:9292/person-service
    ProxyPassreverse http://app1:9292/person-service
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1 Answers1


I was missing the e to reference the incoming header as an environment variable:

<Location "/person-service" >
    RequestHeader set Authorization "Bearer %{oidc_access_token}e"
    ProxyPass http://app1:9292/person-service
    ProxyPassreverse http://app1:9292/person-service
  • 141
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  • 8