It turns out that this was essentially a duplicate that I was unable to find easily and the system didn't recommend. I thought I should give the answer here since it may not be 100% clear from the linked suggestion in the comment(s).
First, this contains the answer more-or-less, but you have to go to his German website to get a more up-to-date script. Further a simple copy and paste can present difficulties depending on your browser, etc.
What you will want to do is to use this script (version 1.3):
It can be executed via: [-i interface] [tcpdump-parameters]
For example, I was hunting for "incorrect" flags in a sizeable XenServer installation that were due to incorrect offloading attempts by the operating system. I was able to use the command with piping thus:
./ -v -nn | grep -i incorrect | egrep --line-buffered -v "Interface:lo:|eth3|vif21.4|xenbr4"