I am trying to use mitmproxy to debug some https requests. I have configured mitmproxy to listen to a certain port:

mitmproxy --listen-port 44700

I have configured my environment properly:

export http_proxy=http://localhost:44700
export https_proxy=https://localhost:44700

And this is working for http:

» http http://www.example.org

is hitting mitmproxy, as expected.

Buuut https is failing:

» http https://www.example.org
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/http", line 9, in <module>
    load_entry_point('httpie==0.9.2', 'console_scripts', 'http')()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/httpie/core.py", line 186, in main
    error('%s: %s', type(e).__name__, str(e))
TypeError: __str__ returned non-string (type Error)


  1. Do I need to configure another port in mitmproxy to listen to https?
  2. How do I tell http (the tool) to trust the mitmproxy CA?
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2 Answers2


The web gui is very comfortable. You can use mitmproxy instead.

  1. Run the proxy server $ mitmweb --listen-port 44700
    Make sure that 44700 port is open in firewall. You can specify the IP of proxy with --listen-host flag. I.E. --listen-host or try --listen-host if can not access remotely.

  2. Configure in the remote device the IP and port proxy.

  3. Open browser in the remote device and go to http://mitm.it, is a local page, in a local DNS, that you can download and install the certs.
    If android, you must specify a pin lock screen.

  4. Open web gui, by default in port 8081 in your browser:
    Enjoy networks intercepts.

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confiure your device proxy to the ip/port, and open http://mitm.it on browser, and select a os to install CA.

more detail, you can refer to official documents

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