I'm having trouble getting RHEL7.4 to use a tailoring file with the OSCAP addon . I've taken the following steps to make this work.
- Created a customization RPM using the scap-workbench tool
- Added that RPM to the kickstart installation
Specified that I want OSCAP to use the tailoring file as so:
content-type = scap-security-guide profile = xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig-rhel7-disa_custom tailoring-path = ../../usr/share/xml/scap/ssh-rhel7-ds/tailoring-xccdf.xml
I have tried to copy the tailoring file to /root/openscap_data, but I can't find a hook inside kickstart that would allow me to copy the file there before the OSCAP addon executes.
However, the OSCAP plugin doesn't seem to execute when the tailoring-path is specified, and no error or warning is emitted.