Kubernetes 1.9 is now available.

However, Ingress resource is still marked as "beta" in the Kubernetes documentation (see https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/ : "The Ingress is a beta resource, not available in any Kubernetes release prior to 1.1").

My questions are:

  • Why is the Ingress resource marked as beta? Because some features are missing or because the API may change?
  • Is it safe to use Ingress resources in a production Kubernetes cluster (on-premise cluster), especially with the official Nginx IngressControler (https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx)?
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It usually fine to use Kubernetes components that are marked as beta. The same is true for API resources:

  • Code is well tested. Enabling the feature is considered safe. Enabled by default.
  • Support for the overall feature will not be dropped, though details may change.

There is still a warning for incompatible changes in later releases:

  • Recommended for only non-business-critical uses because of potential for incompatible changes in subsequent releases. If you have multiple clusters which can be upgraded independently, you may be able to relax this restriction.

Regarding NGINX Ingress Controller: That is out of beta since early December.

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