I'm trying to create a new user account using a custom skeleton directory instead of the default /etc/skel.

Reading man useradd I'm pretty sure this should work:

useradd -m -d /home/foo -k /usr/local/etc/custom-skel foo

But it seems like the -k attribute gets ignored and still the default /etc/skel is used as the files (.bash_logout, .bashrc and .profile) still get copied from there to /home/foo.

Atm my /usr/local/etc/custom-skel contains one empty file to see if it gets copied to /home/foo but it doesn't.

Am I missing something or is there a bug in useradd or Raspbian?

I have this problem on Raspberry Pi 2 with fresh image of Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.1 (stretch). Not sure if this affects the issue.

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