I've got a relatively simple composite action that I'm carrying out with imagemagick on AWS Lambda. Why does it often take more than a minute to complete?
This composites four smaller images "behind" a larger background that has transparent holes:
convert -size 1280x720 'xc:#747784' \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-1.png -background none -distort SRT "0.132 16.094" \) -geometry +324.929+110.781 -composite \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-2.png -background none -distort SRT "0.132 24.486" \) -geometry +401.5+106.375 -composite
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-3.png -background none -distort SRT "1 0" \) -geometry +-166+-250 -composite
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-4.png -background none -distort SRT "1 0" \) -geometry +-166+-250 -composite
/tmp/$uuid/____MASTER_720P_00230.png -composite \
-depth 8 png:/tmp/$uuid/230.png
On my (6 year old) laptop - these operations typically take between 2 & 3 seconds.
On Lambda (even allowing for the overhead of copying the five source files from s3 to the /tmp filesystem) this was taking in the region of 30 seconds, and often hitting the max execution time that I'd set (1 minute). I upped the cpu and timeout to 2 minutes 30 seconds, but I was still seeing timeouts.
The Lambda built-in ImageMagick (v6) allegedly has a bug with OpenMP support, so I tried to mitigate by using:
convert -size 1280x720 'xc:#747784' \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-1.png -background none -distort SRT "0.132 16.094" \) -geometry +324.929+110.781 -composite \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-2.png -background none -distort SRT "0.132 24.486" \) -geometry +401.5+106.375 -composite
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-3.png -background none -distort SRT "1 0" \) -geometry +-166+-250 -composite
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-4.png -background none -distort SRT "1 0" \) -geometry +-166+-250 -composite
/tmp/$uuid/____MASTER_720P_00230.png -composite \
-depth 8 png:/tmp/$uuid/230.png
But this still was giving me run-times of two-minutes and above (often hitting timeout).
I then compiled a fully-static ImageMagick v7 (7.0.7-13) (adding --with-quantum-depth=8
to try and reduce the processing overhead) and added this to my Lambda package, and changed the convert call to this:
/var/task/bin/magick -size 1280x720 'xc:#747784'
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-1.png -background none -distort SRT "0.132 16.094" \) -geometry +324.929+110.781 -composite \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-2.png -background none -distort SRT "0.132 24.486" \) -geometry +401.5+106.375 -composite \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-3.png -background none -distort SRT "1 0" \) -geometry +-166+-250 -composite \
\( /tmp/$uuid/face-4.png -background none -distort SRT "1 0" \) -geometry +-166+-250 -composite \
/tmp/$uuid/____MASTER_720P_00230.png -composite \
-depth 8 png:/tmp/$uuid/230.png
But there's still no real noticeable improvement in the run time.
Here's the code for the entire Lambda call (this is slightly hand-edited for posting here, so any mistakes are purely in this snippet)
var Q = require('q');
var path = require('path');
// A lovely set of composable modules
// https://github.com/lambduh/lambduh
var execute = require('lambduh-execute');
var s3Download = require('lambduh-get-s3-object');
var upload = require('lambduh-put-s3-object');
var s3Upload = require('lambduh-put-s3-object');
// This contains the relevant imagemagick convert call for each frame, indexed
// by frame
var animationFrames = require('./composite.json');
var bucket = "super.secret.bucket";
var frame, paddedFrame, uuid;
process.env['PATH'] = process.env['PATH'] + ':/tmp/:' + process.env['LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT']
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
frame = event.frame;
paddedFrame = ("00000" + frame).slice(-5);
uuid = event.uuid;
console.log("bucket: ", bucket);
console.log("frame: ", frame);
console.log("folder: ", uuid);
// make the /tmp/uuid directory where we'll download the face pngs and
// the relevant frame png to. Tidy up from old runs first.
execute(event, {
shell: "rm -rf /tmp/*; mkdir -p /tmp/" + uuid,
logOutput: true
//now get the face pngs and frame png and put them there
var def = Q.defer();
var s3Files = []
var message = {};
s3Files.push("backgrounds/____MASTER_720P_" + paddedFrame + ".png");
s3Files.push("videos/" + uuid + "/face-1.png")
s3Files.push("videos/" + uuid + "/face-2.png")
s3Files.push("videos/" + uuid + "/face-3.png")
s3Files.push("videos/" + uuid + "/face-4.png")
var promises = [];
s3Files.forEach(function(s3File) {
console.log("Going to download %s/%s to /tmp/%s/%s", bucket, s3File, uuid, path.basename(s3File));
promises.push(s3Download(event, {
srcBucket: bucket,
srcKey: s3File,
downloadFilepath: "/tmp/" + uuid + "/" + path.basename(s3File)
console.log("Couldn't download ", s3File);
.then(function(event) {
.fail(function(err) {
return def.promise;
console.log("Compositing with imagemagick");
return execute(event, {
shell: "export uuid=" + uuid + " && " + animationFrames[frame],
logOutput: true
console.log("Going to upload /tmp/%s/%s.png to %s/videos/%s/%s.png", uuid, frame, bucket, uuid, frame);
return s3Upload(null, {
dstBucket: bucket,
dstKey: "videos/" + uuid + "/" + frame + ".png",
uploadFilepath: "/tmp/" + uuid + "/" + frame + ".png"
.fail(function(err) {
//fail soft so lambda doesn't try to run this function again
context.done(null, err);