I have searched the internet but could not find an answer to my problem with lsyncd.
I am working on a WordPress project and basically I need to exclude a few files from updating/copying over to the slave server. I am using a master/slave setup.
So I this it up on two test servers, both RedHat 7.3 with lsyncd version 2.2.2. I tried to exclude a file from syncing over from 1st server to the 2nd server but it doesn't work. Am not sure why as from what I saw from other posts was to give the full path to the file in question?
Here is my config of my lsyncd.conf file and specifically line 12 where is I try to exclude the file.
2 settings {
3 logfile = "/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd.log",
4 statusFile = "/var/log/lsyncd/lsyncd-status.log",
5 statusInterval = 20
6 }
7 sync
8 {
9 default.rsync, delay=0,
10 source="/usr/share/nginx/",
11 target="",
12 excludeFrom="/usr/share/nginx/html/zexclude/excludefile",
13 rsync= {
14 owner = true,
15 perms = true,
16 group = true,
17 compress = true,
18 acls = true,
19 verbose = true,
20 rsh = "/usr/bin/ssh -p 22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"}
21 }