OK, so maybe not the "proper use" of network resources, but we enjoy the odd COD game during lunch hours. When we played COD4, we had a dedicated server setup at the back of the server room. With MW2, we need to be able to connect to steam to be able to play multi-player.
I've found this support article here:
Which outlines all the ports I need to open. I went through and created the following rules in ISA 2000 (I'm stuck with 2000 for now).
Protocol Definition: Steam Primary connection: Port 27000, UDP, Send Receive Secondary Connection: Port range 27001-27030 Send Receive
Protocol Definition: Steam TCP In Primary connection: 27014, TCP, Inbound Secondary Connection: Port range: 27015-27050, Inbound
Protocol Definition: Steam 4380 Primary connection: 4380, UDP, Send Receive
When I start steam on my local workstation (I did add an exception to the Vista Firewall to allow steam), the steam client sits on "Updating Steam" for 5 minutes then errors out with: You must connect to the internet first.
Any ideas? I assume I missed something.
Thanks for your help.