I'm getting the below error when trying to execute idsldapmodify command.

ldap_modify: Undefined attribute type

My command is:

idsldapmodify -h server-host -D cn=user_root -w password -b -r -i /tmp/entrymods.ldif

And the contents of my file entrymods.ldif is:

dn: erglobalid=12345678901234567890123456789, ou=0, ou=people, erglobalid=0000000000000  0000000, ou=FP, dc=friendsprovident,dc=co,dc=uk  
changetype: modify  
replace: mail  
mail: test.mail@xyz.co.uk

I've checked and I do have an email attribute already present in the entry dn:

erglobalid=12345678901234567890123456789, ou=0, ou=people,erglobalid=00000000000000000000, ou=FP, dc=friendsprovident,dc=co,dc=uk as test.delete@xyz.co.uk

Can someone please suggest whats wrong here.

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