Does someone know who is the owner of the Nameserver ? I find a whois but I dont know the organisation.. Does someone know it ?
Has someone searched before?
Thanks for your help!
Does someone know who is the owner of the Nameserver ? I find a whois but I dont know the organisation.. Does someone know it ?
Has someone searched before?
Thanks for your help!
is pretty long in the tooth.
If you're wondering why it has a PTR record of
then here's a little history.
It's one of the Level3 nameservers (there's also, and 3-6 seem to work too).
They're a tier 1 transit provider, meaning that they own massive chunks of the internet's infrastructure and make money charging smaller providers (ISPs, hosts, resellers, etc.) to exchange data. You may not have heard of them but you've almost certainly used their services at some point without realising ;)
The truth is there is no official information on on L3 sites. People use these cause these got famous. So I'm pretty sure if L3 decides to restrict public open access on it, its not going to happen too soon ;)