What is the Unicode standard version supported by SQL Server 2016? (I'm specifically interested in this version. However, information for 2014 or 2017 is welcome as well.)

I can't find this information in Technet / MSDN. The only information I was able to find, is this blog post that states Unicode versions up until SQL Server 2012.

Ondrej Tucny
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  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/linux-mac/frequently-asked-questions-faq-for-odbc-linux say: `UTF-8 for SQL_CHAR data and UTF-16 for SQL_WCHAR data.` but not specific Unicode version – Nolwennig Oct 25 '17 at 18:48
  • @Nolwennig Yes, I was able to find that. However UTF-8/16 is such the encoding, and provides no information regarding the actual Unicode Standard version supported. – Ondrej Tucny Oct 25 '17 at 18:49

1 Answers1


Was looking at this myself today. Turns out I can do Unicode 9 on SQL 2016 without issues.

CREATE TABLE [Test].[dbo].[](
    [] [nchar](10) NULL

Works perfectly. So I even can do this:


I wasn't able to test Unicode 10 since my OS (2012 R2 for my test server doesn't support it). SQL Server never struggled, doing it with SSMS was trickier, so I did it via Powershell.

Bart De Vos
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