I receive the following notice from a puppet agent -t run that does (or at least should) not effect any changes:

Info: Applying configuration version '<id> - altered - with untracked files'

What is the meaning of the clause altered - with untracked files?

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1 Answers1


By default, the configuration version is just epoch, so your configuration version will look something like

Info: Applying configuration version '1369841032'

However, it's nicer to be able to tie in what version of your code is being used by Puppet, especially if it's in version control. So you can specify a script to create a configuration version in the environment.conf file:

Something simple like:

/usr/bin/git --git-dir $1/$2/.git rev-parse HEAD

Will give you a much nicer git ref instead:

Info: Applying configuration version 'a6a415b9d4da22b534b57aeca575dc49d834fccb'

So someone can go look that git reference up in your Git repo to figure out what code is being used.

(Docs here)

So what's happened here is that the script has gone wrong in some way, and instead of giving a nice git commit, it's just exited that string...

Check the configversion setting in your environment.conf, find out what script is being used and try and debug why it's giving that string instead.

Peter Souter
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