The ndb_mgmd daemon does not start

I want to configure a NDB Mysql cluster, I followed the documentation of its official page. Install version 7.5 of mysql-cluster-community and I have the following scheme

1 manager node:

2 nodes mysqld:,

2 nodes of data:,

This is the configuration file of the manager, my config.ini;

[ndbd default]
# Options affecting ndbd processes on all data nodes:
NoOfReplicas = 2 # Number of replicas
DataMemory = 80M # How much memory to allocate for data storage
IndexMemory = 18M # How much memory to allocate for index storage
                  # For DataMemory and IndexMemory, we have used the
                  # default values. Since the "world" database takes up
                  # only about 500KB, this should be more than enough for
                  # this example NDB Cluster setup.
ServerPort = 1186 # This the default value; however, you can use any
                  # port that is free for all hosts in the cluster
                  # Note1: It is recommended that you do not specify the port
                  # number at all and simply allow the default value to be used
                  # instead
                  # Note2: The port was formerly specified using the PortNumber
                  # TCP parameter; this parameter is no longer available in NDB
                  # Cluster 7.5.

# Management process options:
HostName = # Hostname or IP address of MGM node
DataDir = / var / lib / mysql-cluster # Directory for MGM node log files
NodeId = 1

# Configuration for the data node with ip 139
                                                        # (one [ndbd] section per data node)
HostName = # Hostname or IP address
NodeId = 2 # Node ID for this data node
DataDir = / usr / local / mysql / data # Directory for this data node's data files

# Configuration for the data node with ip 140
HostName = # Hostname or IP address
NodeId = 3 # Node ID for this data node
DataDir = / usr / local / mysql / data # Directory for this data node's data files

# SQL node options:
HostName = # Hostname or IP address
# SQL node options:
HostName = # Hostname or IP address


This is the configuration file of the nodes:

# Options for mysqld process:
ndbcluster # run NDB storage engine


# Options for NDB Cluster processes:
ndb-connectstring = # location of management server

When I try to tell mysql what the configuration file is, it tells me the following:

root @ mysql: /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d# ndb_mgmd -f /var/lib/mysql-cluster/config.ini
bash: ndb_mgmd: Order not found

But if I use the command "ndb_mgm" if I enter this part:

- NDB Cluster - Management Client -

And if from there I indicate the order:

-f /var/lib/mysql-cluster/config.ini

It tells me the following:

Unable to connect with connect string: nodeid = 0, localhost: 1186

I tried to start the ndb_mgm from the folder where the config.ini file is but I can not execute it.Sorry for my english.

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