I need to get PHP 5.6 running on a Mac that had to be updated to 10.13. So I reinstalled 5.6, verified its location, and added it to httpd.conf:
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so
...and made sure the line for PHP 7 is still commented out. Restarted Apache, and Apache starts fine, throws no errors, and works, but no PHP! So as a test, I commented out the PHP 5 line and uncommented the PHP 7 line:
LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/libphp7.so
...restarted Apache, and again it works fine, but still no PHP! So I queried the httpd binary to make sure I'm editing the right httpd.conf and I am. Neither version of PHP will run, and yet neither causes an error in Apache when it starts. (When I say Apache runs but PHP doesn't, I mean a browser displays:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
...without rendering it. Help? I've run out of ideas to get PHP 5.6 running.