
On a Windows Server (2012R2 or 2016), I want to configure a file share offering a following functionality

  • some users, publishers group, have a write access to the share; these users are managing and updating the content on the share
  • other users, readers group, have a read-only access to the share; they read the content in a frequent or massive scale

The read-only permission is configured correctly on both the share level and the file system level.


The users from readers group, or namely their application, are able to open the file for reading and lock these files in the same time, preventing them from being overwritten by publishers group.

Is there any way to prevent this behaviour and achieve the desired functionality?

  • If you are connecting mac to the windows file share, here is one possible solution: https://www.acronis.com/en-us/mobility/mac-windows-compatibility/ – I'm Root James Mar 01 '19 at 18:52
  • I am using exactly this feature with one specific file - it is updated by a script, and even if a user has this file opened, the script can overwrite it, since the user has only read access to the file. Did you check the permissions on the files inside the folder? Maybe the permissions are not inherited correctly. – Tobias Nov 06 '19 at 15:08

1 Answers1


Can you see the open files via net files on the server?

If so, you could try using net file <ID> /close.

I would also try replacing an open file via copy /Y, that way our could check if only the publishers application behaves like this.

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  • There is no "publisher application" involved, just a pure file overwrite. Closing file connections won't solve the issue as clients are rapidly reconnecting to the files. – Michał Sacharewicz Jan 03 '22 at 19:22