i am glad to be part of this community , wanted to stop by , say hello and share my sadness. i have installed a vcenter applience 6.0 with a hope to manage some of my old 5.0 esxi servers , everything went smoth ,but the main feature that i was looking for the standalone VMRC gave up on me.

Unable to connect to the MKS: Could not connect to pipe \.\pipe\vmware-authdpipe within retry period

from Windows Server 2012 Standard

Unable to connect to MKS: Could not locate vmware-authd executable

from MacOS Sierra 10.12.5

some details vMware Remote console 10.0.1 build-5898794 (Windows ) vMware Remote console 10.0.1 (5898794) ( Mac OS) vMware ESXi 5.0 Update 1 vMware vCenter

i have tried google this topic:

1) telnet server (esxi host ) 902 - works good 2) the DNS resolves 3) tried to reconnect the esxi in the maintenance mode https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2115126

feeling depressed , need an advice

thx in advace for any help

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1 Answers1


VMRC 10 defaults to only using TLS 1.2 and I know ESXi 4.1 does not like that (ESXi 5.5 is OK with it, but I'm not sure about ESXi 5.0). (VMRC 9 doesn't have this issue because it allows the older versions of SSL/TLS.)

Add the following line to "C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Remote Console\config.ini" as an administrator to allow VMRC 10 to connect to older ESXi:

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    The above posted by kjpires is the resolution for the fix - the path on a *nix system would be /etc/vmware/config, and the part to paste in there is tls.protocols="tls1.0,tls1.1,tls1.2" – Björn Nilsson Aug 13 '19 at 10:31