SQL Server 2016: Alias doesn't show up but when I add it, it tells me it's a duplicate

I've got an alias that I'm sure I created under SQL Server Configuration Manager>>SQL Native 11 (32bit)>>Aliases. However, the alias disappeared. So I tried to recreate it, but when I try to add it, it gives me a WMI Provider Error claiming the alias already exists. Hmm, I knew that I had created it. How do I delete or edit an alias that is invisible?

Error Message

Michael Barber
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1 Answers1


Ok, I simple edited the registry to fix this: Run Regedt32 Go to: local machines\software\Wow6432Node\Microsft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo

Somehow it changed the alias from the normal Reg value: DBMSSOCN,servername\SQLExpress,518

to: DBNMPNTW,servername\SQLExpress,518

As soon as I put DBMSSOCN back, the alias showed back up.

Michael Barber
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