I have a VMWare ESXI Hypervisor and its been working fine for the past 4-5 months but suddenly it's started randomly crashing after what seems to be under load.

There are 2 VM's on this hypervisor one UbuntuServer and Windows Server 2008

The windows server 2008 only runs a VPN and is rarely logged into. The Ubuntu runs a Nginx Webserver MySql Server 2x Agar Server and 1x Minecraft Server.

Recently 3-8 hours after starting the Minecraft Server the whole machine reboots.

It is water cooled and air cooled with an Intel i7 CPU Quad Core 3.4 Ghz. I may have a suspicion that the boot drive for ESXI could be full, would this cause a restart such as? Any idea what could be causing this problem?

Dying CPU Power Supply Overheating?

Is there anyway to narrow down the cause?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • You could start by adding monitoring to your server. ESXI has a log file that you can analyze, the IPMI board of the server surely has one as well. – Gerald Schneider Jul 24 '17 at 08:54
  • @GeraldSchneider I am sorry but I am relatively new to these acronyms. What is the IPMI board? –  Jul 24 '17 at 08:58
  • The remote management console of your server. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_Platform_Management_Interface – Gerald Schneider Jul 24 '17 at 09:00
  • right so like the ESXI client interface.. Yeah I need to have a proper look. I access the server remotely via VPN running on a guest machine so settings were configured to autmatically boot all guest VMs but this config did not save so I wonder if the disk is full or something. I get an error every hour or so saying something like "failed to save ha-datacenter" I cant remember currently because I have not access to the server this moment. –  Jul 24 '17 at 09:03

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