Okay, so on the OVH system there is a particular way of actually utilising IP's as vaguely laid out in their documentation.
(I'm guessing your bridge already works...)
- Turn the virtual machine off.
To use any additional IP / or also known as failover IPs (since OVH do not actually do plain additional IPs) you will need to first create a virtual mac address.
How do you do this?
- Login to your OVH Control Panel
- Once logged in -> Click IP (Manage IP) http://prntscr.com/ftqd89
- Find the IP which you wish to use
- (http://prntscr.com/ftqe6n) (Click the COG next to the IP)
- Click 'Add Virtual Mac'
- Enter Information (does not really matter what you enter)
- Now you have created the virtual mac address. (Keep that saved we'll need it for the configuration within proxmox)
So now we need to setup the VM inside proxmox; we do this by setting the primary NIC interface Mac Address to that of the one just created.
http://prntscr.com/ftqi9p http://prntscr.com/ftqiht
Once you have done this turn the virtual machine back on - then once it boots, configure the interface. (spelling broadcast right this time would be a big help ;)
The network settings for 'ens18' should look something like:
auto ens18 iface ens18 inet static
OVH Gateway IP is always .254 of the subnet - good tip
Now once you have saved this configuration - reboot the network service network-manager restart
If that is successfull you should be able to successfully ping google using the following command ping -c3 google.com
(If this is successful then your DNS resolution and network is working)
I am quite tired so forgive any mistakes I made - however this should work fine. ;)