I have an ubuntu 16.04 web server with a forwarded mx record. On server, I installed sendmail. I have multiple vhosts runnning. One of them is "xxx-tele.com".

Now I want to setup sendmail that all mails sent to info@xxx-tele.com should be forwarded to xxx@tele.com which is a mailbox on a different mail server inside of my network.

First I added a /etc/mail/virtusertable with

info@xxx-tele.com        xxx@tele.com

and with "makemap hash virtusertable.db < virtusertable" I created the hash file. In /etc/mail/sendmail.mc I added the line

FEATURE(`virtusertable', `hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable.db')dnl

and I run the

m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf

command and restarted sendmail with "service sendmail reload".

Now, I try command

sendmail -bv info@xxx-tele.com

and I just get response: info@xxx-tele.com... User unknown

The xxx-tele.com is appended in /etc/hosts and in /etc/mail/local-host-names

How can I setup sendmail to just forward this address and refuse all other?

The command: echo '$=w' | sendmail -bt just returns:

ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) 
Enter <ruleset> <address> 
> localhost.tele.com

Best, dwi

here are the provided information: The answer for 1.) is

ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) 
Enter <ruleset> <address>
 > map_lookup: virtuser (info@xxx-tele.com) returns myuser@tele.com (0) 

The answer for 2.) is

ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> canonify input: info @ xxx-tele.com
Canonify2 input: info < @ xxx-tele.com >
map_lookup(host, xxx-tele.com, %0=xxx-tele.com) => localhost.xxx.com. (0)
Canonify2 returns: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . >
canonify returns: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . >
parse input: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . >
Parse0 input: info < @ localhost.xxx. com . >
map_lookup(dequote, info, %0=info) => NOT FOUND (0)
Parse0 returns: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . >
Parse1 input: info < @ localhost. xxx.com . >
map_lookup(virtuser, info@localhost.xxx.com, %0=info@localhost.xxx.com, %1=info) => NOT FOUND (0)
map_lookup(virtuser, @localhost.xxx.com, %0=@localhost.xxx.com, %1=info) => NOT FOUND (0)
Parse1 returns: $# local $: info
parse returns: $# local $: info

The third response is:

> root@web:~# _res.options = 812c3, HasWildcardMX = 0
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> canonify           input: info @ xxx-tele . com
Canonify2          input: info < @ xxx-tele . com >
Canonify2        returns: info < @ localhost . xxx. com . >
canonify         returns: info < @ localhost . xxx. com . >
parse              input: info < @ localhost . xxx. com . >
Parse0             input: info < @ localhost . xxx. com . >
Parse0           returns: info < @ localhost . xxx. com . >
Parse1             input: info < @ localhost . xxx. com . >
Parse1           returns: $# local $: info
parse            returns: $# local $: info

My host file is like:       localhost    localhost.xxx.com    xxx-tele.com
local.dmz.ip4.address      web.xxx.com     web    xxx-tele.com
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2 Answers2


Sendmail: debugging virtusertable

1) Check if sendmailcan access the entry in virtusetable

As root execute:

echo /map virtuser info@xxx-tele.com  | sendmail -bt

2) Check if sendmail conducts virtusertable lookups for the email.
As root execute:

echo '3,0 info@xxx-tele.com' | sendmail -d60.5 -bt

-d60.5 traces (all) maps lookups including virtusertable lookups

3) If the domain is rewritten by host map lookup before virtusertable lookups then check DNS lookups and post /etc/hots entries with xxx-tele.com

echo '3,0 info@xxx-tele.com' | sendmail -d8.20 -bt
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  • The answer for 1.) is `ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) Enter
    > map_lookup: virtuser (info@xxx-tele.com) returns myuser@tele.com (0) `
    – Wyphorn Jul 04 '17 at 08:38
  • The answer for second command is: `ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) Enter
    > canonify input: info @ xxx-tele.com Canonify2 input: info < @ xxx-tele.com > map_lookup(host, xxx-tele.com, %0=xxx-tele.com) => localhost.xxx.com. (0) Canonify2 returns: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . > canonify returns: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . > parse input: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . > Parse0 input: info < @ localhost.xxx. com . > map_lookup(dequote, info, %0=info) => NOT FOUND (0) Parse0 returns: info < @ localhost.xxx.com . >`
    – Wyphorn Jul 04 '17 at 08:40
  • rest of trace: `Parse1 input: info < @ localhost. xxx.com . > map_lookup(virtuser, info@localhost.xxx.com, %0=info@localhost.xxx.com, %1=info) => NOT FOUND (0) map_lookup(virtuser, @localhost.xxx.com, %0=@localhost.xxx.com, %1=info) => NOT FOUND (0) Parse1 returns: $# local $: info parse returns: $# local $: info` – Wyphorn Jul 04 '17 at 08:40
  • I have extended the answer. [I should include extra info provided to your question later today] – AnFi Jul 04 '17 at 11:55
  • Thanks so far, I edited my comment with new information. – Wyphorn Jul 04 '17 at 14:19

Domain gets rewritten by host map lookup before virtusertable lookup
as indicated by debug output provided by

echo '3,0 info@xxx-tele.com' | sendmail -d60.5 -bt

Changing your /etc/hosts entry should fix it

### Old Entry
#       localhost    localhost.xxx.com    xxx-tele.com
### New Entry       localhost  xxx-tele.com
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