We've 1500 users (no connection from internet/extranet). This number is stable and will be stable. These users will use around 150 different databases each of them have not a really intensive workload and not really large (between 1Go and 100Go, total of 5 To). We want to use SQL Server 2016.
According to my calculations, I've the following possibilities:
Standard edition per server/CAL:
- 1500 CAL = 270k$
- 10 servers = 10k$ (each with max. 24 cores = 240 cores)
- Total = 280k$
For the same amount, if I use the Standard edition per Core licensing model
- 280k$ / 3.8k$ (price per 2-cores) = 150 cores (around 6 servers)
and if I want to add an additional server, the first option will cost me only 1k$ and the second 40k$ (for 24-cores).
According to many info on the net, the per server/cal licensing is designed for company with a really low number of users (less than 30). But my calculations show that in my case I should go for this type of license (and I've many more users).
I'm lost and I think there is mistake somewhere but can't spot it.
- I misinterpreted the licences or missed something in the licensing model
- I've too many servers for this potential workload and should go for less cores. 100 cores is probably more than needed to handle 1500 users and 5To according to your experience.
- Anything else?
Thx for sharing your expertise on this.