I have successfully installed Torque PBS on my ubuntu server. Job submission is fine. However there is an annoying thing. I found bash environment is not right inside PBS

for example

echo 'echo $PATH > ~/res.txt' | qsub

and the content of res.txt is


This is definitely not what my PATH is.

So I tried

echo 'source ~/.bashrc;echo $PATH > ~/res.txt' | qsub

This doesn't work. It just output the same PATH

So I was wondering, maybe ~/.bashrc is not the same inside PBS. So I tried

echo 'cat ~/.bashrc > ~/res.txt' | qsub

But the content of res.txt is exactly what my ~/.bashrc is.

This is really odd to me.

The only workaround I found is to use bash -ic

echo "bash -ic 'echo \$PATH > ~/res.txt'"|qsub

But this is so awkward. Is there any better way to make PBS automatic inherit bash environment?

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