For the sake of development I need to make NGINX drop "Secure" flag from cookie headers.

Set-Cookie:XSRF-TOKEN=zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzz; Path=/; Secure

should become

Set-Cookie:XSRF-TOKEN=zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzz; Path=/;

For each Set-Cookie header. I am creating a reverse-proxy configuration to decouple development server from the UI and since upstream is running behind HTTPS while NGINX is running on plain HTTP, browser refuses to send cookies back.

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2 Answers2


Since nginx 1.19.3 you can use http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_cookie_flags. For example:

proxy_cookie_flags some_cookie nosecure;

To remove the Secure flag from all cookies:

proxy_cookie_flags ~ nosecure;
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I know this is quite old question, but there is no answer here and I couldn't find fine solution for the same problem.

So I forked nginx_cookie_flag_module module and changed it to nginx_unsecure_cookie_module: https://github.com/yumauri/nginx_unsecure_cookie_module

I'm frontend developer, my C/C++ knowledges are super low, but looks like it is working in my tests :) So I reckon it is good enough for development reasons.

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