I am working in a site in where the old admins were, well lets just say free reign. This sounds nice but it's taken me a good amount of time to get up and walking enough where I own this site now buy re-configuring a few things to make it work, but I've left the brains mostly alone till now.

I am attempting to set up a generic www server right now.

Here is the setup, we have a business account though Comcast (not my idea), and it has a static IP. When I attempt to follow the manual as SonicWall suggests to open a port though the NSA, and I did... I also made it a high priority so nothing else would go first.

the WWW server is, and I have the 80 port directed straight to that IP address.

I am wondering, am I missing something?

The last thing I attempted was this:


When I attempt to follow the instructions and do as it says, the page on the website is a login for the VPN... not the web page as it should be by now.

So I am stuck, if anyone can help get me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

Realistically this will be only temporary, for I am going to Sophos and what takes three pieces of hardware to do, this only takes one.

Matt Ridge
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