This question is already answered multiple times but in my case there is a twist.

I am having a node app which is running on port 3000. I am using nginx to reverse proxy. Now the application only works if there is a slash in the end.

So this works: https://example.com/main/site/react/

This does not: https://example.com/main/site/react

Here is the configuration which I am using:

location /main/site/react {
    error_log /var/log/nginx/app.error.log;
    rewrite ^/main/site/react/(?:|[\w\/]+)(\/static.*)$ $1 break;
    rewrite ^/main/site/react/?(.*)$ /$1 break;

After checking other related questions, adding following rewrite rule(after error_log) worked for me:

rewrite ^(.*[^/])$ $1/ permanent;

Above rule rendered my node application, but it failed with my static resources. I have some static resources rewrites which are not working.

So this URL is not working: https://example.com/main/site/react/static/js/bundle.js. It always renders index HTML page.

Minato Namikaze
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1 Answers1


Your config looks good. Just add the rewrite at the end:

location /main/site/react {
    rewrite ^/main/site/react$ https://$host/main/site/react/ permanent;
    rewrite ^/main/site/react/(?:|[\w\/]+)(\/static.*)$ $1 break;
    rewrite ^/main/site/react/?(.*)$ /$1 break;

Also have modified regex which will handle slash before query params.

Niraj Chauhan
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