I'm currently on the process of trying fix a site vulnerability, basically it is one type of the "Improper Input Handling" attack.

Let's say my website is www.mywebsite.com and there is hacker's website www.hacker.com

whenever there is a request send to www.mywebsite.com with modified "Host" header point to www.hacker.com, my site will create a redirect to www.mywebsite.com along with whatever the url it was. e.g.


Host: www.mywebsite.com 
GET  www.mywebsite.com/get/some/resources/
Reponse 200 ok


Host: www.hacker.com (#been manually modified) 
GET  www.mywebsite.com/get/some/resources/
Response 302 
Send another Redirect to www.hacker.com/get/some/resources 

My website is running on Tomcat 7, I tried some solution with set up the virtual host by point the unknown host to a defaultlocalhost which suppose to do nothing. but it still send the redirect for some reason.

Here attached is my server.xml host configure:

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="defaultlocalhost" jvmRoute="jvm1">  
<Host name="www.mywebsite.com"  appBase="webapps"
        unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="false" deployOnStartup="true">

    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory="logs"
           prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
           pattern="%h %l %u %t &quot;%r&quot; %s %b" />

  <Host name="defaultlocalhost"  >


So, my question is, Am I on the right track to prevent this kind of attack ? If yes, what I did wrong that still not working? (The ultimate goal is, if it is not the legit Host that been passed in, the request should be discard/ignored/return 404 but not redirect with 302)

Thank you in advance.

More references about the attack here : http://www.skeletonscribe.net/2013/05/practical-http-host-header-attacks.html


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1 Answers1


Oh well, end up answer my own question.

After join the Tomcat user mailing list (subscribe email address: users@tomcat.apache.org). There is the guy named Andre helped me get this resolved:

basically what I did wrong is missing appBase in my defaultlocalhost

  <Host name="defaultlocalhost" appbase="whatever" >


The above configure successfully returned 404 status whenever a illegal request was been send. the reason is that whenever you don't set the appbase it always default to webapps so it essentially didn't do anything with my original configure.

Hope this can help anyone who had similar issue.

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