I have about 15 micro-services running in a single ECS cluster with 5 EC2 instances. While setting up the services I did not pay too much attention to the task placement strategy and now I want to change it, but so far I have not found a way to do so. It seems to be that you can only define the strategy when creating a service, not when updating it (the Amazon documentation doesn't mention it for updating but it doesn't say it's impossible either).

Is there a way to change the Task Placement or do I have to re-create every service ?

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    There is no way to update the task placement strategy after creating service, I think you need to recreate all the services – pritam kumar Jun 19 '17 at 12:54

2 Answers2


You can only update the deployment configuration after creating an ECS service, i.e. minimumHealthyPercent and maximumPercent, see the API documentation.

Thus, if you want to change the placement strategy, you have to re-create the service.

M. Glatki
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