I want to run nginx in a Nano Server based Docker container. It works fine if I use Windows Server Core as the base but if I use Windows Nano Server, nginx.exe immediately exits with code -1073741515 (0xC0000135), which the web tells me means "The application failed to intialize properly". No output is printed.
I tried with nginx 1.11.13 and Windows Nano Server 10.0.14393.1066.
At some point, Microsoft published a sample container image that includes Nginx with Nano Server but it does not appear to be maintained and is 7 months out of date, so is not very useful to me. I was also not able to find any instructions for how they generated this container image, so that I could try to reproduce it with up to date components.
What do I need to do in order to make nginx work in a Nano Server based container?