Help is needed. I want to make alarms if the site gives 401 502 and so on, errors. On the server is an agent who sends different pieces in the datadog. There is such module http_check, and at it like as there is such function.
http_response_status_code - A string or Python regular expression for an HTTP status code. This check will report DOWN for any status code that does not match. This defaults to 1xx, 2xx and 3xx HTTP status codes. For example: 401 or 4\d\d
Here is my http_check.yml
- name: My first service
collect_response_time: true
timeout: 1
skip_event: true
http_response_status_code: 502
check_certificate_expiration: true
disable_ssl_validation: false
days_warning: 7
days_critical: 3
- env:production
Actually I try to shut down nginx and watch that it would send the status. I do not see anything. The task in general is to monitor the sites and alert if something has fallen off.