ISP-A : 4mbps (1:1) fiber leased line static IP address and ISP-B : 20mbps (1:8) fiber connection with dynamic IP address.
Little context to the situation, currently we have only one ISP (ISP-A) and as the bandwidth is not sufficient for everyone (around 25people browsing & accessing AWS/Azure) so our plan is to add another ISP to our local network so that everyone can browse/mail without complaining about bandwidth issues. ISP-B costs less than ISP-A for 20mbps as it's not a 1:1 connection and they don't have any SLA with us. Our office is divided into Devs and Non Dev users.
Dev Users
- Majority on LAN & 3 on WiFi
- Connect to AWS/Azure (needs to be connected as a fixed IP for incoming firewall policies for Instances).
- Need to browse the internet (doesn't matter if IP is fixed at this point). Most of them do SO/Git/Bitbucket/YT etc.
Non Dev Users
- Majority on WiFi & 3 on LAN
- Browse the internet, use mail/hangouts/skype/teamviewer and don't need any static IP for whatever they use.
Once we get the 2nd ISP-B, I would like to channel all browsing traffic to ISP-B (20mbps) & all the devs connect to AWS/Azure via ISP-A (4mbps) for SSH. So my plan was to set ISP-A as WAN1 and ISP-B as WAN2, Eg:
What needs to be done is, everyone uses the internet via ISP-B. Devs use SSH (Port 22), Database connections (Port 5432) and some other ports which require static IP via ISP-A.
Equipment in use
- CISCO SG300-58 managed switch
- TP-Link single WAN Router
- 3x Ubiquiti Unifi APs
Proposed Equipment for Purchase
- Ubiquiti USG-Pro4 (to do Dual WAN)
- 2x more Ubiquiti Unifi APs
Total Devs : 10 Total Non Devs : 25
Instead of changing their default gateway, how can I make them use the internet (Browse) via WAN2 without setting up a Proxy Server?