I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 as a virtual machine using VMware Fusion 3.0 on Mac OS X 10.5.8. I want to be able to ssh into my VM from the Mac OS X host (so I can use MacFUSE and SSHFS to mount the VM's files on the Mac).

I had this working previously, but then I:

  • upgraded Fusion from 2.x to 3.0
  • rolled the VM back to a previous snapshot
  • upgraded the VMware Tools in the VM

I re-installed ssh in the VM using sudo apt-get install ssh.

I then tried ssh from my Mac, and after some time it timed out. So I tried pinging the VM from my Mac, and 0 packets were received. (I can ping the Mac from the VM with no problem.)

Any advice on how to troubleshoot this?

Update: I tried switching from NAT to Bridged (as suggested by Stephen Thompson) and got strange "Time to live exceeded" messages when I tried to ping the VM. I realized that was due to the VPN I'm using. I disconnected from the VPN and can now ping the VPN and ssh into it, regardless of whether I use NAT or Bridged.

Daryl Spitzer
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3 Answers3


Try setting your network to bridged, so it picks up a network address from your lan, and you will be able to gain access to it.

Stephen Thompson
  • 1,482
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Steven Thompson's idea worked for me - for whatever reason adding an eth1 (bridged) seemed to fix eth0 (NAT) once I ran sudo dhclient (I checked, rebooting didn't fix it by itself, it was only fixed after I ran sudo dhclient )

Peter Hanley
  • 101
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Silly question but is the current IP of the Ubuntu VM? For testing you should probably drop the firewall (iptables -F) if you configured it, as well.

Jim Zajkowski
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  • Yes, I've of course double-checked that I have the right IP. (Using ifconfig. Because I'm using NAT in VMware Fusion to share the Mac's network connection, the IP number hasn't changed from when it was working before.) I didn't configure a firewall, but I ran iptables -F just in case. I still can't ping the VM. – Daryl Spitzer Nov 14 '09 at 14:43