I have local keyserver that I can access using http://serveraddress:11371
I want to enable TLS on that keyserver, how should I proceed?
I have local keyserver that I can access using http://serveraddress:11371
I want to enable TLS on that keyserver, how should I proceed?
You need to provide a reverse proxy which adds TLS, for example nginx or Apache. Furthermore, you need certificate(s):
if you want to participate in the hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net
keyserver pool have to send a certificate request to the pool operator:
Keyserver operators wanting to be included in this pool will have to send an OpenPGP signed message containing a CSR to a UserID of
At least some time ago, there was a statement that Kristian Fiskerstrand (the pool operator) expects stable operations of the keyserver for some time before issuing certificates.
HKPS is usually offered on port 443, and using SNI to distinguish between the domains (if offering services on both your own domain and the hkps pool) is fine.