I am new to VPS and when I want to install something in Ubuntu16.04 or CentOS7 I need to google it and hope it's written somewhere how to install it through apt-get or yum and then hope it is a good repository. Then even the same project has differences between those 2. For example you have httpd in yum and apache2 in apt-get ( it's not just the name they are different ).

Is there some sort of github where I can check reputation of repositories, official documentation on how to install and so on? Or is it something I will need to learn by trial and error?

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    First look in the distro repository for that release. If present, then use that. If not, read the docs project/vendor web site. Most will suggest install method for popular distros like ubuntu/centos. Past that, there is nothing 'official', and you have to do your own research. – Zoredache Apr 04 '17 at 22:27
  • Thanks for your answer. For example, let's say I would like to install apache on centOS. Is there any website or a way to do it in the console with yum to be fairly sure that I am installing the correct thing? – 2Noob2Good Apr 04 '17 at 23:18
  • I am more of a Debian/Ubuntu user myself. But I would start with a `yum search apache`, it seems pretty likely that is going to be included in the default repo. – Zoredache Apr 04 '17 at 23:23
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    For CentOS you can consider one more repository official - the EPEL: fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL The EPEL repo provides packages which are not included in the official RHEL/CentOS repo. However it's maintained by RH/Fedora people. – Jaroslav Kucera Sep 23 '17 at 12:18

1 Answers1


The built-in repositories will always be trusted/trustworthy.

Debian based (Ubuntu) and RedHat (CentOS) based are indeed different.

Even professionals still have to web-search.

You can try finding packages available with commands like apt-cache search and yum search.

basic examples: apt-cache search "http server" yum search "http server"

better examples: apt-cache search httpd | grep "HTTP [Ss]erver\|[Ww]eb.*[Ss]erver" apt-cache showpkg httpd | awk '/Pa/, /Reverse P/ {next} {print $1 | "sort -u"}' yum provides webserver

You may prefer aptitude over apt-*. For example you can both search and install with aptitude: aptitude search apache2 and aptitude install apache2.

Sometimes you want to find out more information: yum groupinfo "Web Server" or yum info httpd or aptitude show apache2.

You are correct to realize that it will be much trial and error, and many web-searches.