When booting a Virtual Machine powered by a Debian 8 "Jessie" distribution, this error message appears :

Error 24: Attempt to access block outside partition 1

I'm quite sure that it's a GRUB problem ; GRUB don't find my boot partition which is on /dev/sda1 but i've tried to boot the system with a live CD and then, could you explain how to repair GRUB to fix my problem ?

Thanks in advance and best regards

Henrik Pingel
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1 Answers1


The grub documentation for the error message Attempt to access block outside partition has this to say:

This error is returned if a linear block address is outside of the disk partition. This generally happens because of a corrupt filesystem on the disk or a bug in the code handling it in GRUB (it's a great debugging tool).

The filesystem is either corrupt or grub is attempting to boot off the wrong HD.

Check the settings in your grub menu.lst.

Henrik Pingel
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