Spacewalk 2.6 on CentOS7
Registering client: CentOS6.8
trying to register CentOS client with
# rhnreg_ks --serverUrl= --sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT --activationkey=<key-with-rhel-custom-channel>
Errors with: The SSL certificate Failed Verification
up2date error reads
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rhn/", line 230, in write sent =self._connection.send(data)
<class 'up2date_client.up2dateErrors.SSLCertificateVerifyFailedError'>
Things I've tried:
Verified Time/date on client and server
Disabled firewalld on server
tested https connection with firefox on client to spacewalk server
Edit: noteworthy info (possibly)
When I imported the ssl certificate earlier with the following:
# rpm -Uvh
it successfully imported but also gave a warning: The dynamic CA configuration feature is in the disabled state.
Not sure if this warning is related to my issue.
EDIT2: Browsed out to and noticed there was another SSL cert labled rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-1.0-2 so I modified the above command to reflect the new file.
Once done, I ran the rhnreg_ks command and it successfully connected! I forgot that I had Spacewalk setup before and had to reinstall spacewalk from the start due to some errors and corrupt files which created a new SSL cert appending the name with a 1.0-2 instead of replacing 1.0-1