I am configuring a Prosody server for use with mobile clients supporting OMEMO. I've picked Conversations as a reference client since I'm familiar with it. What Prosody modules do I need to install to support it?

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1 Answers1


Conversations provides a list of XEPs requiring server-side support, reproduced below with links to the corresponding Prosody 0.9.x modules.

For encrypted group chat (OMEMO support), you strictly need only mod_pep and mod_roster. The other modules account for additional functionality in an OMEMO context (e.g. sharing files) and environments (e.g. mobile clients, client behind a firewall).


Prosody 0.10 notes:


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    You missed "cloud_notify" (XEP_0357), which is required for Coversations. – Mirko Jun 30 '17 at 07:55
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    One issue to bear in mind is that [mod_pep data is currently not persistent](https://prosody.im/issues/issue/485), which may result in [an inability to send messages to an offline participant after a server restart](https://github.com/omemo/gajim-omemo/issues/152), because the necessary keys are not present. Work on the relevant issue was "started" in April 2017, but code to implement persistence has not yet been committed, and at this time it seems it may not get into 0.10. – GreenReaper Jul 22 '17 at 21:14